Actress, producer and beloved horror icon Felissa Rose first made her film debut as Angela Baker in Robert Kiltzik's cult classic film Sleepaway Camp (1983) making her a bonafide slasher icon ever since. Felissa has since acted in countless films in and out of the horror genre including Victor Crowley and will be starring in the upcoming highly anticipated sequel to Terrifier.  As a producer she has done music videos for Slayer and continues to produce horror films for Vernon Wells. As a beloved scream queen and indie darling – Felissa is without a doubt a fan favourite at every convention with her infectious smile, genuine kindness and passion for the horror genre. We are so glad to have had the opportunity to catch up with her at the last Shock Stock in London, Ontario. Check it out!

GWG: Thank you so much for being here to chat with us here at Shock Stock.

FELISSA: Thank you for having me. 

GWG: You started out acting at such a young age with a role that would go on to not only start your career in film but change the horror slasher genre - did you have any idea of what you were getting yourself into with Sleepaway Camp? 

FELISSA: Oh my gosh (laughs) NO! I just talking about how interesting a role it was for a really young girl. I was 12 when I auditioned and 13 when I made the movie and there’s a lot in that character even though she doesn’t speak much but I didn’t know at the time. I certainly didn’t know we would still be talking about it years later so I’m super grateful for the part. I always said it gave me a life - my husband was a huge fan and just being at the conventions in general has really been amazing.

GWG: Sleepaway set the tone for teen camp slasher films and is a massive cult classic. What was it like working on that set for your first film? Was it as fun as it looked? 

FELISSA: It was more fun! We were all really young and best friends and we are still really close. It was a good family environment and actually felt like we were actually going to sleep away camp. 

GWG: How long was it? 

FELISSA: It was about six weeks. It was pretty much just like going to camp.

GWG: You returned to camp in 2008 to take on the role of Angela Baker again for the last instalment of the series- how did it feel like becoming Angela again?  

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FELISSA: It felt amazing. First of all anytime you are portraying a character for a role its like a child of yours because you nurture it, create it, you hopefully love it as well but now I was an adult so I could live out what I wanted to do as a child. I partied! (laughs)

GWG: You are a professionally trained and educated actor that has worked in almost a hundred films what has been the most important thing you've learned on or off set during your career? 

FELISSA: Gratitude. I’m really, really thankful for the films I have worked on and sets I’ve been on. The actors, directors I’ve worked’s all brought me a lot of joy. 

GWG: You have had your hand at the pulse of both horror and punk rock as an actor as well as a producer- what makes these two genres and worlds collide so well?  

FELISSA: The passion, the love for what we are all doing. It is loyalty and creativity unlike anything else. 

 GWG: Any upcoming projects you can tell us to look out for?

 FELISSA: Yes but there’s a lot that I can’t talk which bums me out but soon enough it will all be coming out.  Kane Hodder and I have a project called “Night Four” that is coming out soon. Working with director/writer Damien Churchill. There’s a lot that is happening and more conventions because I love meeting fans and talking with them all…giving out hugs! 

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For upcoming appearance dates, film releases and all things Felissa check out



Photo by: Style Group

Photo by: Style Group

Interview by Felicia Mancini

For nearly two decades, Haunted Hamilton has hosted historically thrilling tours, events and paranormal investigations and sold out galas.  Canada’s Spooky Queen “Spooky Steph” Dumbreck is the Award-Winning Columnist, TV/Radio Host and Paranormal Investigator behind it all. We caught up with Steph to talk about her unique career and find out what she thinks about the portrayal of paranormal experts in modern horror films. 

Q: When did you realize you had an interest in horror and the haunted way of life? 

The strange and unusual have always been aspects of my life and a constant curiosity, but not to the extent you would think. It was as natural for me to see my Ukrainian Grandmother, my beloved Baba, turning over her playing cards to forecast her future, as it was to watch her whip up her perogies and cabbage rolls in the kitchen. Like a window to the other world, but only meant to be opened and seen by those who truly understand it. I was at a young age where I wasn't ready, so she "shooed" me away while she cast her tarot-like cards. The supernatural, the paranormal, ghosts, spirits and specters, whatever people call it, I was surrounded by it. It was natural for me to watch the women in my life speak to spirits and commune with them as if they were simply another welcomed presence in the room. This all changed for me and I was ready to finally start experiencing the obvious hints from the other side for myself, but for that to happen, it took a life-defining, scary and earth-shattering moment for me to begin to see things clearly.

Q: When did you realize you had a special talent and connection with the after world? 

It wasn't until just recently where my "enlightenment" has reached new heights and understandings, but I suppose deep down i have always known that perhaps I do have a special connection with the after world. I wouldn't necessarily call it a "talent" as the paranormal is an unproven field that is ever changing in a world where many of us, by choice, can't fathom to imagine what lies beyond this existence. This has often been a struggle, but also a personally enriching pursuit. My basis moving forward is to continue my research with an open mind, a balanced heart, zero ego, and a healthy sceptical approach, based on scientific theory and law. It's the only way to prove to myself, my peers, my colleagues, Haunted Hamilton fans, and the rest of the world, that once all logistical routes are exhausted, and if then, we are still left standing with a reason to push on and believe there is more to us after we die, then i aim to do so as honestly and respectable as possible."Free Spirit, Open Mind, Good Heart"  

Q: How would you describe what you do and what city you live in to people that have never been to Hamilton or on one of your tours before? 

Haunted Hamilton is unique in itself that it allows guests from all over to come partake in a new, honest experience. Remove society labels such as age, size, skin colour, esoteric beliefs, religious labels, political stances or personal preferences, we WELCOME ALL! Anyone and everyone who shares a similar goal to simply reach out and touch history in a fun, unique way will always be welcomed by us with open arms. 

Q: What makes a good event? You guys have been known to take over the Halloween season in Hamilton with your galas. What is next?

There are many crucial keys to hosting a successful event. First and foremost, you ALWAYS have to remember who you are doing this for. What do Hamiltonians want? What locations are most asked about? Then you take that one step further and ask yourself, how can you bring this cool experience to them in a logistical, safe and fun way. I have spent almost 20 years building relationships with wonderful friends, colleagues, venues and organizations from all over Canada and the U.S. that help me put on some pretty spectacular events. Halloween is obviously our biggest and busiest season, but we do have some epically huge announcements coming your way very soon! We promise that Halloween will NEVER be the same again in Hamilton, but we may need a little extra time to pull this one off, so stay tuned for a very big Haunted Hamilton announcement to be revealed soon!

Q:There is a lot of representation of paranormal investigators and experts in horror films especially as of late - how accurate is it and what do they absolutely get wrong? 

This is a great question and I’m very glad you asked. Paranormal Investigation is an often misunderstood field. I founded Haunted Hamilton back in 1999 when the field wasn't as popular, and definitely not as saturated. Over the past 20 years, I have sat back and watched the media take control over the supernatural world like never before. I often hesitate to talk about the sensationalism involved in the shows you typically often see nowadays. It's actually quite sad, because in essence, when you remove the "shock-value" from this, you're left with something much more interesting and sometimes life-changing. This is the part that the tv shows miss. Maybe one day I can show the world how it's really done, and trust me, I have lots of ideas, but until then, I always like to remind paranormal enthusiasts to not always believe what you see. It's cool that tv shows can explore the scarier aspects of paranormal investigation, but in actuality, when that facade is stripped away, you'll realize that there is nothing more satisfying (and creepier!) than standing in a truly haunted building by yourself, for yourself and using all 6 of your senses to tap in. 

Q: Common misconceptions about your job? 

The biggest misconception about my job is that I’m probably always out chasing ghosts or hanging around living the "spooky" lifestyle.  Half the time I'm devotedly working away on my laptop on the nitty-gritty details of getting these events up and running. Usually, the pre-planning is far more time-consuming and exhausting than the actual event itself! Much of my time is spent driving around the City (HONK if you see the Spooky mobile!) running from one meeting to the next. 

Q: What do you love most about what you do? 

The best part about running Haunted Hamilton is that it allows me to bring real history to life, up close and personal in a unique way like no other. I am an avid historical enthusiast. Always have been, always will be. If i'd like to be known for anything in this lifetime, it's for bringing history alive for future generations to explore and appreciate. In times such as this, I take comfort in the fact that we can all look to our past to learn from our experiences, understand where we come from and celebrate those who shaped our City. #KeepHISTORYAlive

For more on Steph and her brand HAUNTED HAMILTON please visit to #stayspooky


Read Spooky Steph's Award Winning Columns at:


GWG's Felicia Mancini had a one-on-one interview with Hip Hop Legend Phife Dawg when he came to Hamilton, Ontario back in 2013. Phife talked about the state of hip hop, his legacy and what his favourite rhyme of all time was. His larger than life talent and timeless contributions to hip hop will live on forever.

This was an unseen interview until now.

Rest in Power

Phife Dawg (1970-2016)





As the daughter of the late Eazy- E founder of the worlds most dangerous group N.W.A, E.B Wright is creating a path all her own by creating music (and style) all her own. 

In attempts to bridge the generational gap between Eazy-E fans and E.B’s generation alike, she is set to release her LP this fall. 

Inheriting her fathers gift for entrepreneurship, style and storytelling, E.B uses music and style to express herself with a capsule collection appropriately titled “We Want E.B” she puts her own spin on her fathers iconic slogan “We Want Eazy” as a special way to continue to honour his legacy. 

As Universal Pictures' highly-anticipated biographical drama of NWA, STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON is set for theatrical release today in theatres across the world, she is once again thrust into the spotlight of reliving her father's dreams of conquering the music industry on the big screen while she pursues her own goals as a singer and songwriter. 

E.B chats with GIRLSWITHGUNZ check out our interview with her below!


GWG: What was it like seeing your dad on the big screen?

It was incredible! Jason Mitchell he portrayed my dad so good it was almost scary. I felt like I was really watching my dad on the big screen! I am just so excited for the whole world to be able to see the film and be educated on Eazy E and NWA and what they did, what they went through and all of their accomplishments. 

GWG: The reviews are out and audiences and critiques alike are praising the film. What was the level of accuracy like between the real life story of N.W.A and what they portrayed on the big screen? 

Dre and Ice Cube alongside the director F. Gary Grey were really great and also very sensitive in protecting the story and legacy. They did a really great job at that! 

Is there something the film didn’t capture about your dad and his body of work that might have not made the cut that new fans might not know about your father?

You know, more of his greater accomplishments, his outside work outside of N.W.A since it was a film about the group and not just Eazy they didn’t really get into all of his personal accomplishments too much. They didn’t dive into Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony and other things that were huge. Overall they got his personality down, a lot of people didn’t know how playful and silly my dad was and what his personality was like. They showed him as a boss and a young C.E.O that showed the rest of the group how the business works so they do touch on that which was amazing. There was a lot missing but I’m sure if my dad was here with us he would have been able to tell his own story a bit more. I am working on a documentary with my mother and sister that will go more into his life and death and what happened afterwards. 

GWG: What can you tell us about your upcoming music project and creating a sound of your own?

I’m working on my EP right now titled “We Want E.B” and working with some great hip-hop producers but I am not a rapper like my dad {laughs}. I do however have a lot of urban influence in my music. I’m working with Sonny Digital and Detail that just did We Dem Boyz and Drunk In Love by Beyoncé and Jay Z. so there are a lot of different influences and I’m so excited.I will be releasing the project within the next month so sometime in the fall you can expect that and some brand new music videos as well.

GWG: Your style plays a big part in your music and brand, so with your collection already out and available on how would you best describe your own personal style?

Its grunge, tomboy and sexy! 

GWG: What advice would you have for young women looking to carve out their own path? 

A lot I have learned from my dad and my mom was that you have to follow your dreams and do what you want to do. I think that’s why my dad was able to do what he did was because he wasn’t following anyone. He really helped open a lot of doors and I would love to tell other girls to do what you want to do and really fight for it. My mother is a female music manager for 25 years and in this business it is harder for women so you do have to work a little harder and be a little stronger so stand your ground and fight harder! 

Check out to shop her collection and make sure to follow her on Instagram at @WeWantEB to get the latest news and photos before the release of her EP this fall. 

STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON is in theatres nationwide today!