Give it to me baby, Uh-Huh Uh-Huh!


When words will never express our love for a very special MCM we call up our designer Stylo to whip up some magic.

Coming soonish to a tour tee and sticker pack near you.

@GWGSHOP on Instagram // @girlswithgunz on twitter





We are the first to admit that over the years we have had many TV boyfriends that have come and gone. From cops and bikers to hot dads and fictional doctors. However, there has yet to be a man that has taken over the small screen and our small hearts the way Special Agent Fox Mulder has. 

His insatiable appetite for the truth while forever searching into the unknown depths of our planet are just a few of the reasons why he makes us swoon.

In the spirit of the wonderful news that is giving millions of X-Files fans hope that a reunion is in the near future featuring our favourite FBI agents here are some more reasons why we just love Mulder.

1) He knows how to hold down a strong woman. The wonderful dynamic that Scully and Mulder have is one that makes fan boys and girls swoon to this day. Chasing after the bad guys, aliens and other mystical creatures together despite how different their beliefs are give us tingles to this day. For every outrageous assumption made by Mulder is Scully; the voice of reason that chases down the truth alongside him despite it all.

2)He is passionate about what he does and will (and often has) gone to the ends of the world to find the truth and what he believes in. 

3)The trench coats, suits, puppy dog eyes and nerdy vibes.

4) Even though its been decades since the shows premiere, he only gets better with time. Anyone remember how jacked and dishevelled he was during the last X-Files film? C'mon. He had a beard for gods sake! We can only anticipate how much more of a babe he will look like in the next instalment whether its in a movie or another season to the show. 

5) Behind his intellect, lanky bod and boyish smile is a crusader for justice, answers to the unknown and the fight for proof that there is more out there in the universe. 

Check out the gallery below to reflect back on the hotness that was and forever is Fox Mulder.


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Introducing the First Official GWG MCM RECIPIENT: Chris Hadfield

Commander Chris Hadfield is not only the first Canadian to command the International Space Station, he has also flown over 100 million kilometers while commanding humanity’s most distant outpost but the first ever certified GWG MCM recipient.

And your MCM does what again?! 

We love Commander Hadfield not only for his out of this world skills (literally!) but also for how he has made space exploration and science cool for future generations to come.

With a stash that could make Tom Selleck jealous and an angelic voice that serenades us all the way from orbit  back down to Earth via YouTube; Chris Hadfield has combined social media with space exploration to share with the human race how small and wonderful we all are in this tiny planet we call home.

Why we love him besides being the first Canadian to take command in space:

-He went temporarily blind in space and still finished doing the damn thing! 

-He keeps it real when answering endless questions from earth such as what astronauts eat, barf and even what its like to cry in space. Not to mention he captures his explorations beautifully as published in his book "An Astornaut's Guide to Life On Earth"

-He gave the world the very first music video from space as per a request on Reddit. Not only did he perform an acoustic rendition of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” but also he managed to get Bowie’s stamp of approval while winning over a place in our hearts with every single note. 

On this Man Crush Monday we would like to salute Mr.Hadfield for his achievements on this planet and beyond. What can we say, we just love a man in uniform. 


Chris Hadfield