Greatest On Screen Couples of All Time

Its that time of year again. Whether you are rolling solo or cuddling up with your boo, we have compiled a list of our favourite on-screen couples in honour of Valentines Day. 


You've Got Mail/Sleepless in Seattle - Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks

Whenever Meg and Tom co-star in anything it is just the greatest thing ever. We still cry at the ending of You’ve Got Mail over and over again. Sleepless in Seattle too come to think of it. Basically if you put Tom and/or Meg Ryan on screen at any moment we will most likely be crying. In a good way. On repeat and sometimes purposely do it to ourselves. Like we know what the ending will be but get suckered in every single time its on TV regardless if we have the VHS, DVD and friggin’ Blue Ray. Their chemistry, charm and cuteness is timeless.  


When Harry Met Sally – Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal

We get it. Yes, another Meg Ryan mention on this list. Deal with it! This film Meg (we call her that because we are tight in our head) stars with Billy Crystal in what we could easily call one of our all time favourite films of all time. The film shows the ins and outs of best friends while the day old question if men and women can ever just be friends lingers despite their denial. Classic one liners, scenes that forever changed cinema and romantic comedies and the starting of many classic films from genius Nora Ephron and director Rob Reiner.


 Brown Sugar - Taye Diggs Sanaa Lathan

Dre and Sidney are childhood best friends that grew up with and in love with hip hop.  Dre becomes a record label exec while Syd is a music journalist, along the way they find themselves questioning their love for hip hop and each other.  A love story about New York City, hip hop’s birth and two friends this film and not to mention, the soundtrack is perfection.

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 Ghost World - Steve Bushemi and Thora Birch

 Sure they aren’t exactly lovers in the traditional scene but this unlikely pairing was a great on screen dynamic. When Thora’s character Enid says “He’s the exact opposite of everything I hate” we knew this was a rare paring we could roll with. Plus, is there every a time where Steve Buscemi isn’t just the coolest person ever without even trying? 


Now & Then  - Devon Sawa and Christina Ricci

 We aren’t sure when we loved Devon Sawa more while growing up. As the cutie pie jerk face in films such as ‘Little Giants’ or ‘Now and Then’ or when he was the cartoon ghost in Casper. Too cute! Add in the Teen Queen of the 90’s Big Screen and you have one of the cutest little couples ever in film.

The Sound of Music – Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer

This iconic film will go down in cinematic history as one of the most treasured films of all time. However, the movie would not be what it is (or at least for us) if it weren’t for super hot vintage babe Christopher Plummer and his complex relationship with nun turned nanny Maria. As an unlikely pairing it was magic when the two got together. You almost forgot that they are being chased by nazi’s! Maria made not only becoming a nun seem appealing but that taking on a gaggle of singing school children to raise as something totally exciting and wonderful with her brooding babe – Papi Von Trap.


Edward Scissorhands – Johnny Depp and Winonna Ryder

We watched this film when it first debuted in theatres in the early 90’s and remember feeling so incredibly heartbroken over the unrequited love between the handsome pale skinned scissor man and the angelic bitchy cheerleader. A perfect love story told in a way that only Tim Burton could manage to do, Edward Scissorhands is a story of acceptance and undying love that had us swooning over Eddie in his all leather everything get ups just wishing he could hook us up with a quick yet sensual hair cut. Weird? Maybe. Honest? Always.


Pocahontas and John Smith (Disney)

 Sure the historically accurate accounts of Pocahontas’ love affair with John Smith are far from a whimsical romance but we are talking about the Disney cartoon adaptation of this iconic pairing. John Smith the handsome Englishman meets the beautiful and strong native woman Pocahontas. She teaches him compassion and understanding in the middle of mayhem. The rest is history but we loved the cartoon version of this tale of unrequited love. 

Did we miss any of your faves? Hit us up on Twitter and let us know! @girlswithgunz



Its almost that time of year. For some it means stuffed animals, cheap chocolate and flowers. For others it means B-List horror flicks, cheap red wine and your homegirls. For those chicks that looked in their mirror to chant a certain name despite warnings from abuelita this is for you.

We dare you to selfie in this GWG outfit.

Shop the look:

Bloody Mary Exclusive GWG Valentines Day Tee & Crop top available in SHOP.    

GWG High Academy Custom Skirts available in SHOP