PEACE OUT, 2016!


This year has not been without its hardships and struggles as many independent businesses experience daily especially those that are doing it without any outside assistance but this post is to highlight the good. The things we would have never imagined ourselves doing at this time last year. 

At the starting of the year we wrapped a film we designed costumes and wardrobe for and got to check off a major bucket list point which was with having the great pleasure of working with living legend Oscar winner Martin Landau. He provided us with amazing advice on set and told us to take matters into our own hands with life and in business. If we want something to go for it, always be open to learning and to try and be good at whatever that it is and don't give up, ever. From that moment onward we put all of our efforts to GWG projects only. We wanted to give it the time we knew that it deserved without any outside distractions. 

It was almost right after wrapping that we launched a partnership with our hometown newspaper The Hamilton Spectator by creating a GWG x SPEC collection of t-shirts celebrating iconic moments in our city history. It was a great success and gave us a way to express our gratitude and pride for our city with a collection that got so much great feedback from our community.

It wasn't until the spring that we had found out that an editor of Nylon reached out to us after spotting one of our stickers a customer must have placed on one of the subway station platforms in mid-town that it was the start of a wonderful partnership. We have always been so inspired by the creative vision and female empowerment that each and every issue of Nylon gave us growing up, so we were (and still are) floored to be a part of the Nylon Shop family. From a sticker to a shirt collection as proud Nylon Shop vendors - this was definitely a kick ass moment for those of us at GWG.

We continued sewing, screenprint, sketching and creating look books with so many amazing women in our community that we now have over 60 girls deep in our look book series as part of our extended GWG family.

As a small business and multi media hub we appreciate every comment, like, follow, purchase, DM and all the overwhelmingly awesome feedback both near and far from our customers and viewers.

This year our beloved Pennywise inspired designs went from a page in Felicia's notepad to the go-to gear the much buzzed about cast of the IT remake wore on set of the film including director Andy Muschetti and the star of Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard. As lifelong horror fans and members of The Losers Club - this was about as good as Pennywise himself waving hello to us from a rusty old sewer! Sweeeet!

To close off the year we have teamed up with Buzz Feed's kick ass e-comm shop The Fuck Shit Shop based out of NYC to join the ranks of the very finest apparel to hit the internet featuring the words...fuck and shit! 

We have so much we are working on for 2017 and couldn't and wouldn't do it if it wasn't for all the GWG Girls that tune in and are such an important part of what we do and who we are. 

We are so honoured to get up every day and are able to slowly work on achieving our never ending list of goals. There is no greater gift to us to be able to bring to life so many of the things we always wished we could see in the mall or on other girls but wasn't able to before this. If you got through this whole long post we thank you because blog posts and actual words seem so 2016 and now that we think of it. This probably could have been best said via a GIF but here we are. 

Thank you, 2016! 


Estée & Felicia






On May 21, 1932, Amelia Earhart flew from Newfoundland to Ireland in 14 hours and 56 minutes as the first woman to do so.

Four years prior to becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic she was the first woman to fly across the atlantic as a passenger.  

Today we honour Amelia for all the firsts she has conquered and the millions of women in the air, and down below inspired by her bravery and skills.

For more on Amelia and her achievements please visit